An interesting aspect of the 'private' life of the ancient Romans.
The brothels (from Latin Lupa, she-wolf, ie prostitute), were the Roman places dedicated to mercenary sexual pleasure.
In the excavations of Pompeii traces of two keepers of brothels have been found: African and Victor who, before the destruction of the city, ran a very flourishing business.
There were about twenty-five brothels in Pompeii, a huge number considering that the ancient Rome counted "only" forty-five. However, we must consider that most of these places were officially disguised as taverns.
Most brothels were located along the side streets and consisted of a simple back room of an inn. They were generally frequented by the common people who took advantage of the low price at which the sexual services were offered.
The space dedicated to the rooms was maximized: there was a raised bed in masonry on which was placed a short and resistant mattress. The environment was often dirty and smoked by the smoke of the lanterns.
On the walls you can still see the shoe prints of customers who hastily met their needs.
Above the entrance to each room, scenes depicting the girls specialties can still be seen.
Such rooms could be accessed directly from the street or, when they were on the first floor via an outside staircase. Sometimes only a curtain separated the room from the street.


Newcastle upon Tyne, 5 December

After getting off an extremely busy Circumvesuvio train from Naples ( next time we would wait for a train which does not stop at every stop), we...

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